GRAFFITI Startup Festival




  • Speech

  • Team Projects

  • Investment Game

Startups & Sponsors

GRAFFITI Startup Festival

It has become the societal norm to prioritize ‘doing what you have to do’ over ‘doing what you must do’. Young people are choosing more stable paths, consuming the present for the sake of the future. ICISTS questions this mentality.

Startups are pioneers who contemplate and pursue the values they dream of. We aim to inspire young people with the stories and mentalities of startups, encouraging them to take on challenges.

At the GRAFFITI Startup Festival startups and young people can come together, closely interact, and exchange the values of taking on challenges. We aim to lower the societal barriers to start taking on challenges.


  • To spread the value of ‘pursuing what you want to do’ to university students, who will be the leaders of future society.


  • To break existing stereotypes and provide participants with a chance of intense study on various themes.

  • To involve university students in every stage of the event from planning to execution, fostering the formation of long-term networks.

Workshop Overview

GRAFFITI [gra`fi:ti]

[Noun] Art created by free spirits, surpassing the limitations of canvases to express their desires in their chosen locations.

[ICISTS Definition] A space where participants can learn the challenging and enterprising mindset of startup founders striving for their goals in their desired fields.

Workshop Partcipants & Benefits

Students StartUp Teams

  • Opportunities for promotion and networking with general participants, sponsors, and participating VCs

  • Investment game prize money and recruitment opportunities


  • Offline and online promotion opportunities

  • Early online recruitment (authority to recruit and select team members through online promotion when participating in the Team Project)

  • Promotion opportunities through lecture sessions

  • Unlimited matchmaking opportunities

  • Operation of sponsor booths and events during the investment game

  • Contribution to the spread of startup culture


  • Discovery of carefully selected early-stage startups

  • Contribution to the spread of startup culture

  • Offline and online promotion opportunities

Team Project Participants

  • Development of startup mentality

  • opportunity to dive into the startup ecosystem